
Patrocina una cocina

Sponsorship of a school-kitchen provides donors with a more personal connection to where their donations go. It is also a great way to do something meaningful as a family, groups of friends, or coworkers. Kitchen Angels receive regular updates on progress at their sponsored schools and, if they like, tours of the schools as well. Hundreds of […]

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How to Make a Donation Help Put A Smile On A Child’s Face Generosity is what brings people of all races, faiths, and political views together across the globe. Generosity gives everyone the power to make a positive change in the lives of others and is a fundamental value anyone can act on. The right

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Comunidades y cocinas escolares

Feed the Hungry operates school kitchens in 35 communities in the San Miguel de Allende municipality, and one school kitchen in Misión Chichimeca, near San Luis de la Paz, which is outside of our self-imposed parameters. However, when we responded to their plea for help, the poverty of the community and the condition of the

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Programas Cooperativos

To achieve our goal of addressing community hunger beyond schools and early childhood, we explore how we can join efforts with other charitable programs in our community to leverage each other’s resources, such as a synergistic relationship where we can combine another organization’s kitchen and distribution network with Feed the Hungry’s immense channels for acquiring

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Educación Nutricional Familiar

Family Nutrition workshops are conducted for the mothers of the children we serve. Individualized counseling is provided to the mothers of children identified as severely malnourished or obese. The health and nutrition of each individual child served by Feed the Hungry San Miguel is evaluated on a semi-annual basis to identify improvements or deficiencies in

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Programa de Alimentación Escolar

When schools are in session, Feed the Hungry San Miguel operates kitchens attached to 40 preschools and primary schools in the poorest communities in the San Miguel de Allende municipality. The majority of them are in rural villages. In most of the communities, cooks are hired, trained, and paid a year-round salary and benefits, while in

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THIRD-PARTY ACCREDITATIONS Feed the Hungry San Miguel, Inc is annually rated by Charity Navigator through their Encompass Rating system and has received a 100 out of 100 rating. This score designates Feed the Hungry San Miguel as an official “Give with Confidence” charity, indicating that our organization is using its donations effectively based on Charity Navigator’s criteria.

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Miembros de la Junta

BOARD MEMBERS 2024 FEED THE HUNGRY SAN MIGUEL, INC. Mike Taylor, President Jennifer Venkatraman, Secretary Joan Nagelkirk, Strategic Planning Liz Dietz, Events Peter Bramley, Communications Francisco Garay,At Large Jerry O’Brien,Treasurer Karime Orihuela, At Large Barbara Vidargas, At Large FEED THE HUNGRY A.C. Jennifer Venkatraman, President Francis Bonilla, Vice President Jerry O’Brien, Treasurer MEMBERS OF THE

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