Highlights & Happenings Newsletter – Summer 2024

Bienvenido a nuestro último boletín. We hope you enjoy catching up on news from Feed the Hungry San Miguel! Link to each article below. To receive this and other timely news via email, suscribir. Lee la Edición en Español en SanMiguelSinHambre.org

En este problema:

One of the greatest barriers to education is hunger. We are expecting to welcome approximately 4,700 kinder and elementary students across 38 schools in the San Miguel de Allende municipality when classes resume in August. For many, this is the best meal they will have that day. Lee mas…

This month we are pleased to welcome thousands of children back to school by providing healthy lunches that help them to learn today and to succeed in the future. This school year, we will be providing more than 5,000 hot balanced meals every school day to students in kinder and elementary school, to help them learn without being weakened and distracted by hunger. Lee mas…

The longstanding partnership between Feed the Hungry San Miguel and Amistad Canada has transcended boundaries and made a significant impact in the municipality of San Miguel de Allende. Lee mas…

Mexico is expected to miss the Zero Hunger Objective by 2030. This alarming fact is one of the many reasons Feed the Hungry continues its outreach to communities like Ejido de Tirado where, despite Mexico’s rich culture, hunger and food insecurity persist. Lee mas…

We are thrilled to announce the upcoming 5th Annual Walk-Run-Bike for Food Challenge, which will take place on October 27th. This event is not only a fun-filled day for participants, but also an opportunity to make a significant impact in the lives of more than 5,000 children in our school meals program.  Lee mas…

As we celebrate Feed the Hungry San Miguel’s 40th anniversary, we marvel at how far we’ve come. Read about several of the very special people who defined the mission, organized the processes, raised the funds, and kept the vision alive. Lee mas…

While schools were on summer break, mothers who work as cooks in our school kitchens received invaluable insights and personalized feedback to help them enhance their skills and encourage collaboration within the community. Sessions were fun and interactive and included take-home materials. Lee mas…

Sponsorship of a Feed the Hungry San Miguel school kitchen provides supporters with a more personal connection to where their donations go. It is also a great way to do something meaningful as a family, groups of friends, or coworkers, or to honor the memory of a loved one. Lee mas…

Our incredible volunteer food packers and drivers were instrumental in helping us provide meals for more than 5,000 beneficiaries during the 2023-2024 school cycle. After a brief summer break, we are now “back to school”—and we need you! Lee mas…

Al apoyar a Feed the Hungry San Miguel, estás aportando salud, esperanza y oportunidad a comunidades desfavorecidas del municipio de San Miguel de Allende. Conozca las muchas formas en que puede marcar la diferencia. Lee mas …

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