Boletin informativo

Voluntaria destacada: Lauren Sevrin, fotógrafa

The story of Feed the Hungry and what we do is best told through the images of the young, the old, the families, and the communities that we help. Lauren Sevrin has been volunteering for Feed the Hungry as a photographer since April 2020. We had just started responding to the Covid-19 crisis by providing

Voluntaria destacada: Lauren Sevrin, fotógrafa Lee mas "

Programa de Nutrición para la Primera Infancia lleva alimentos y conocimientos al campo

Feed the Hungry San Miguel’s Early Childhood Nutrition Program is now helping even more mothers and children in rural communities around San Miguel de Allende. The expansion of the program began in earnest in October 2021 in the community of Ejido de Tirado, and in February of this year, in the community of Los Toriles,

Programa de Nutrición para la Primera Infancia lleva alimentos y conocimientos al campo Lee mas "

Anunciando el Nuevo Programa Alimentario Extendido

As Feed the Hungry’s scope expanded to address the dire circumstances affecting our community during the past two years, we have become even more familiar with the hardships many of our rural citizens face every day. In 2015, 44.3% of the greater San Miguel de Allende population was in a situation of moderate poverty, and

Anunciando el Nuevo Programa Alimentario Extendido Lee mas "

Metas y compromisos 2022 del Feed the Hungry San Miguel

We launch into this new year with high hopes, and we are excited to share what’s in store for 2022. Since March 2020, the Feed the Families program has distributed enough food to produce 14 million meals and benefited an estimated 20,000 people. This immense undertaking has helped desperate families avoid starvation due to the

Metas y compromisos 2022 del Feed the Hungry San Miguel Lee mas "

Una comunidad que apoyamos: Clavellinas

Clavellinas, also known as Coyotes Clavellinas, is the most populated community within the San Miguel de Allende municipality, with 1,425 inhabitants in 296 families. Life is improving in Clavellinas. In a meeting with the municipal delegate, Consuelo Perez Lopez, we learned that her community is the last one off the main road some 22 km

Una comunidad que apoyamos: Clavellinas Lee mas "

carta del presidente

Two years ago, a pandemic upended everything, and Feed the Hungry launched the biggest food relief effort ever conducted in San Miguel de Allende. We responded by revamping our operations to feed entire families after our school kitchens were forced to close. Neighborhood groups responded by picking up bags of food from Feed the Hungry

carta del presidente Lee mas "

Nuevo presidente de Feed the Hungry AC

Jennifer Venkatraman has stepped up to a new role as president of Feed the Hungry A.C. Jennifer was previously a member of our Advisory Council and also served as vice president of the A.C. She is a corporate legal professional with many years of business and legal experience ranging from contracts and intellectual property to company

Nuevo presidente de Feed the Hungry AC Lee mas "

Mascarillas para una comunidad más segura

Feed the Hungry is coordinating distribution of 1.2 million face masks donated by Motus Automotive, and CAM a Stanley Black and Decker Company. Initially, masks were distributed with the food bags that we dispense in 37 communities. A large-scale distribution at key points throughout the city was then designed with the coordination of Francisco Garay

Mascarillas para una comunidad más segura Lee mas "

¡Mira a nuestros seguidores caminar/correr/andar en bicicleta por comida!

Visit our Facebook @FeedtheHungrySMA on October 23 when we will be going LIVE from Viñedo Dos Búhos in San Miguel de Allende as participants complete their challenges. A Feed the Hungry/Amistad Canada team is participating under the Scotia Bank of Toronto Waterfront Marathon. An in-person walk in San Miguel de Allende is scheduled for October 31;

¡Mira a nuestros seguidores caminar/correr/andar en bicicleta por comida! Lee mas "

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