Boletin informativo

Nuevas Instalaciones para Niños del Colegio La Medina

On September 10, a sparkling new kitchen and dining room at the “México Creo en Tí” elementary school in the community of La Medina was inaugurated. Materials and labor were generously donated by Arquitecto Rafael Franco. Franco offers his professional expertise as an architect to our organization and has already built cooking and dining facilities […]

Nuevas Instalaciones para Niños del Colegio La Medina Lee mas "

Vecinos ayudando a vecinos en tiempos difíciles

In late March of 2020, a group of mostly expats in the Ojo de Agua colonia started a food pantry (despensa) to help neighbors who were suffering hardship due to reduced or complete loss of work because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Ojo de Agua is a diverse community not far from the San Miguel de

Vecinos ayudando a vecinos en tiempos difíciles Lee mas "

carta del presidente

Over the past 18 months, Feed the Hungry has delivered more than a metric kiloton of food through our Feed the Families initiative, providing essential nutrition for thousands of desperate families. Kiloton is a powerful word. It is typically understood as a measurement of energy and destructive power. But for us, it represents something much more

carta del presidente Lee mas "

Una comunidad que apoyamos

La Cuadrilla is a rural community of 584 inhabitants (INEGI 2020 census) in 142 households. Fewer than half of the dwellings have toilets or sanitary facilities. The average level of schooling is 7 years. Esmeralda, one of our beneficiaries in this community, is a 29-year-old mother of two children ages one and four. She and her

Una comunidad que apoyamos Lee mas "

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