carta del presidente
This year, we celebrate Feed the Hungry San Miguel’s 40 years of service to the community. By the end of 2024 we expect to serve, for the first time, our one-millionth meal in a single year.
carta del presidente Lee mas "
This year, we celebrate Feed the Hungry San Miguel’s 40 years of service to the community. By the end of 2024 we expect to serve, for the first time, our one-millionth meal in a single year.
carta del presidente Lee mas "
Feed the Hungry San Miguel started as a small, informal charitable organization in 1984. We have grown and adapted to change over the past many years.
Feed the Hungry San Miguel at 40: From a Few Meals to a Million Lee mas "
En conmemoración del Día Internacional de la Mujer, queremos resaltar las valiosas contribuciones de todas las mujeres en Feed the Hambrient San Miguel. De nuestros dedicados voluntarios a nuestra estimada junta directiva y nuestra notable presidenta de Alimenta el Hambriento, Asociación Civil, Jennifer Venkatraman, su compromiso y dedicación no tienen precio. Gracias por su incansable trabajo en nutrir los espíritus y cuerpos de los más necesitados. ¡Agradecemos su fuerza, pasión y logros que enriquecen nuestras vidas y comunidades! 💐✨” 💐✨”
International Women’s Day Lee mas "
San Miguel de Allende, MX – 12 de diciembre de 2023, Feed the Hungry San Miguel, una destacada organización sin fines de lucro dedicada a mitigar el hambre en el área de San Miguel de Allende, se enorgullece en anunciar que pronto celebrará su 40º aniversario sirviendo a la comunidad.
Feed the Hungry San Miguel Celebra su 40º Aniversario Sirviendo a la Comunidad Lee mas "
Al apoyar a Feed the Hungry San Miguel, estás aportando salud, esperanza y oportunidad a comunidades desfavorecidas del municipio de San Miguel de Allende. Conozca las muchas formas en que puede marcar la diferencia.
More than 400 people of all ages came together to support a cause close to their hearts while enjoying the beautiful surroundings and perfect weather.
Annual Walk/Run/Bike for Food Challenge: A Perfect Day for a Worthy Cause Lee mas "
During this holiday season, we encourage everyone to come together and support those who are less fortunate. Here are some ways you can make an impact on the lives of those in need.
The Season of Giving Lee mas "
It is with great pride that we announce the recipients of this year’s Volunteers of the Year Awards, presented at our annual Volunteer Appreciation luncheon.
Celebrating Our Dedicated Volunteers Lee mas "
This program provides sustenance and support during a child’s critical period of growth and development. Mothers express their heartfelt appreciation through letters that hold immense significance for our team at Feed the Hungry San Miguel.
Early Childhood Nutrition Program Aids Growth and Development Lee mas "
An inspiring new book, The School on the Other Side of the River: The Educational Journey of Los Ricos de Abajo, contains the story of volunteer English teachers, their students, and the program’s effect on the lives of the participants.
Fulfilling Dreams in a Rural Community Lee mas "