Feed the Hungry operates school kitchens in 35 communities in the San Miguel de Allende municipality, and one school kitchen in Misión Chichimeca, near San Luis de la Paz, which is outside of our self-imposed parameters. However, when we responded to their plea for help, the poverty of the community and the condition of the children was so devastating that we broke our own rules to include them in the hot meals program.
In addition, FTH supports seven charities with meal ingredients that are prepared at those facilities.
Click on any community name below for information about our work at that location, including demographics and progress of the Feed the Hungry meals program at each school.
Population statistics source: 2010 INEGI Census (Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática).
Note: Reports have not been updated for 2020 because school kitchens have been closed since March, to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Community Reports
Note: Reports have not been updated for 2020 or 2021 because school kitchens have been closed since March 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.